What is a Welcome to Country?

What is a Welcome to Country?

A Welcome to Country officially welcomes visitors to the land of the traditional custodians of that area.

Only a Traditional Owner with custodial bloodlines directly connected to that land can give a “Welcome to Country”.

The Traditional Owner speaks to the spirits of their land and requests your spirit is kept safe while you visit.

In traditional times, when a visitor was welcomed on to the land, they would also be taught about local customs, safe foods to eat and where to find water.

In modern Australia, the 'Welcome to Country' is a genuine offer of respect. It’s a kind gesture to say we trust you to do the right thing while travelling across the land. So, if you travel to a new place and you have the honour of being welcomed by a Traditional Owner of that land, this ceremony is a way of showing you respect.

The “Welcome to Country” is like being welcomed into the home of a family. You are their personal guests to those lands and waters.