Cultural Awareness Training

Are you a Tourism Business Owner or employee looking to engage with First Nations People’s?

Unsure about cultural protocols?

We are passionate about helping you create meaningful and authentic experiences within your business.

Cultural Awareness education doesn't stop when you finish the lesson.

It is the start of your journey.

Diversity, Identity & Stereotypes

What does it mean to be Indigenous? Examining the commonalities, differences, and stereotypes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culture.

Our Shared History

How have the events of the past shaped Australian society and culture today? Learn about intergenerational trauma and the ongoing impact of the stolen generation.

Communication & Unconscious Bias

What might we be assuming about Indigenous People & Culture? How our “cultural baggage” impacts our relationships and why being culturally aware matters.

Family, Kinship & Cultural Leave

Why might Indigenous employees need cultural leave? A part of our awareness training, learn about Aboriginal Kinship systems and their relevance in the workplace.


How can we help Close the Gap to create a fairer, more equitable society and more inclusive workplaces? Revealing the hidden privileges that divide Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

Becoming an Ally

In our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural awareness training, we share practical steps everyone can take to develop greater cultural awareness and create a kinder, fairer and more inclusive Australia.


What is a Reconciliation all about and why does it matter in the workplace? Our Cultural Training focuses on the importance of awareness and building cultural competence among all Australian people.

Upon completion of the course, you will:

· Have improved knowledge around the history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures

· Understand how to identify myths versus facts

· Recognise the importance of spirituality in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures

· Recognise the importance of family and kinship in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures

· Grasp the impact of colonisation on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

· Comprehend the trauma felt by the Stolen Generations and the intergenerational trauma still being felt today

· Have the tools to move forward in the reconciliation process as both an individual and a business

· Have the tools to move forward in the reconciliation process as both an individual and a business